
Our analytical instrument can be applied to a wide range of
environmental, material, and energy challenges, analyzing VOCs & SVOCs.
We offer precise measurements for high-analytical quality, empowering researchers and
industry professionals to make informed decisions and promote sustainability.

Rapid microchamber tests for screening chemical emissions from car trim in accordance with ISO 12219-3

This Application Note demonstrates the efficiency and reliability of Markes’ Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor to rapidly assess emissions of residual monomer from polymeric car-trim components in accordance with ISO 12219-3.

A technical guide to the analysis of VOC and FOG emissions from automotive interior materials by direct desorption TD-GC-MS in accordance with VDA 278


This document provides a guide to carrying out the quantitation of volatile (VOC) and condensable (FOG) emissions in car trim in accordance with VDA 278, using Markes’ thermal desorption (TD) instrumentation. In addition to describing the entire TD-GC-MS analytical process, we offer advice on particular aspects of sample preparation and the analytical procedure.

Analysis of VOC and FOG emissions from automotive interior materials by direct desorption TD-GC-MS in accordance with VDA 278


This study describes the quantitation of volatile (VOC) and condensable (FOG) emissions in leather car trim and rubber flooring material in accordance with VDA 278, using direct thermal desorption (TD) with GC-MS.

The development of standard methods relating to vehicle interior air quality (VIAQ) and how to comply with them


This study discusses the introduction of regulations limiting the quantities of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) allowed in vehicle cabin air, and describes the evolution of harmonised, globally-applicable standard methods for sampling and measuring them. The key technologies used for sampling and  analysis in this area are also briefly described.

Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from vehicle exhaust using TD-GC-MS


This study describes how thermal desorption (TD), in conjunction with GC-MS, can be used to detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vehicle exhaust. TD provides an excellent means of analysing PAHs in vehicle exhaust. Combining this with GC-TOF MS and compound-identification software offers unbeatable sensitivity and analytical performance for the analysis of semi-volatile PAHs in diesel exhaust.

Instrument & Technology
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