열탈착기 수분제거장치
An innovative approach for monitoringpolar species in humid environments
The Kori-xr option for the Air Server-xr addresses the problem of analyte loss when removing water from humid air streams, allowing high‑sensitivity on-line analysis of polar species, oxygenates and pinenes in humid environments.
- Connect to UNITY-xr thermal desorber
Compliant with key standard methods
- - 악취공정시험방법 Sulfur compounds 4종 분석
- - 악취공정시험방법 현장연속측정(Sulfur compounds, VOCs & Ketone)
- - 대기환경보전법 특정대기유해물질(HAPs) 분석
- - US EPA TO-14, TO-15, PAMS scheme, EU Clean Air Act and more
Water removal trap : Quartz
- - Temperature range : -30℃ ~ 50℃(low) , 35℃ ~ 425℃(high)
- - Peltier cooling(Cryogen-free operation)
Sample flow path
- - Temperature range : 50℃ ~ 210℃(low) , 35℃ ~ 425℃(high)
- - Uniform heating