자동 열탈착기
Enabling confident, high-throughput,automated TD analysis
TD100-xr™ is a high-throughput, automated thermal desorption system for the rapid and unattended processing of up to 100 sample sorbent tubes in a single sequence.
In contrast to other thermal desorption units, TD100-xr quantitatively re-collects samples for re-analysis or storage, enhancing sample security. TD100-xr also features an electrically cooled cold trap, dispensing with the expense and inconvenience of liquid cryogen.
- Compatible with all major makes of GC & GC/MSD
Compliant with key standard methods
- - 악취공정시험방법 VOCs & Ketone 분석
- - 대기환경보전법 특정대기유해물질(HAPs) 분석
- - 실내공기질공정시험법 TVOCs 분석
- - EPA TO-17, EPA 325, ASTM D6196, EN TS 16516, CEN/TS 13649
- - ISO 12219 series, ISO 16000 series, VDA278 and more
Sorbent tube desorption
- - 89mm Long x ¼" O.D industry standard sorbent tube
- - Temperature range : 35℃ ~ 425℃
- - Desorption time : 0 ~ 60.0 min
- Sorbent Tube Capacity : 100 sorbent tubes(Automation)
Recollection(Automation) : inlet split and outlet split
- - 흡착관 분석의 한계(One-shot) 극복
- Automated Internal standard Injection(Option)
- Tube cooling fan
- Diffusion Locking Technology : DiffLok CapTM
Sorbent tube tracking
- - Intergrated TubeTAGTM read/write capability
- Upgrade option : No
Re - collection and repeat analysis of vapours in stack gas