TC-20 & TC-20 TAG
고체흡착관 세척기
Conditioner and dry-purge unitsfor multiple sorbent tubes
The TC-20™ and TC-20 TAG™ are compact, stand-alone devices for the simultaneous conditioning or dry-purging of up to 20 thermal desorption sorbent tubes.
- 동시에 20개의 고체흡착관 세척 가능(비용 및 시간 절감)
- Sorbent tube dimension : industry standard(89mm Long × ¼" O.D)
- - TC-20 : 일반적인 고체흡착관 세척시사용
- - TC-20TAG : Tube Tracking을 위한 TAG가 장착된 고체흡착관 세척시 사용
- Carrier gas : Helium or nitrogen(5N)
Operational temperature
- - Range : 50℃ ~ 400℃
- - Adjustable in 1℃ increments.
- - Range : 1min ~ 99hr 59min
- - Settable in 1min increments.
The effectiveness of
tube conditioning
using the TC-20 is
illustated by this pair of
GC-MS chromatograms
showing the VOC
profiles of a stainless
steel sorbent tube
packed width Tenax® TA,
before and after
conditioning for 2 hours
at 320℃.