
Our analytical instrument can be applied to a wide range of
environmental, material, and energy challenges, analyzing VOCs & SVOCs.
We offer precise measurements for high-analytical quality, empowering researchers and
industry professionals to make informed decisions and promote sustainability.

Rapid and sensitive aroma profiling of strawberries using dynamic headspace sampling and TD-GC-MS


This document describes the fast and highly sensitive detection of trace-level aroma compounds in the headspace gas above fresh strawberries. Sampling is carried out using an easy-to-use microchamber system, with analysis by thermal desorption (TD)-GC-MS. The use of compound identification software further speeds up the process of aroma-profiling.

Rapid aroma profiling of cheese using dynamic headspace sampling and TD-GC-MS analysis


This Application Note describes the benefits of using Markes’ Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor in conjunction with thermal desorption (TD) and GC-MS to analyse the aroma profiles of cheese. Various cheeses are examined and compared, and it is demonstrated how this approach allows rapid yet powerful assessment of the VOCs released.

Flavour profiling of premium teas using HiSorb sorptive extraction and TD-GC-MS


This study compares the flavour profiles of three premium teas, obtained by high-capacity sorptive extraction using PDMS probes, with analysis by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). The ability of the system to sample analytes from a range of chemical classes and volatilities is demonstrated.

A simple sampling technique for the TD-GC-MS analysis of VOCs released from packaged meat


This study describes the use of an easy-to-use grab-sampler for the rapid collection of volatile compounds in the headspace surrounding packaged meat. Analytes are collected directly onto sorbent tubes for analysis by thermal desorption (TD)-GC-MS. This approach offers particular advantages in terms of sensitivity enhancement and water management.

Flavour profiling of alcoholic spirits using HiSorb sorptive extraction and TD-GC-MS


This study shows that volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) at high and low levels in whisky and gin can be identified by high-capacity sorptive extraction using PDMS probes, with analysis by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS).


Flavour profiling of herbal infusions using HiSorb sorptive extraction and TD-GC-MS


This study compares the flavour profiles of five herbal infusions, obtained by high-capacity sorptive extraction using PDMS probes, with analysis by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). The ability of the system to sample analytes from a range of chemical classes and volatilities is demonstrated.

Flavour profiling of filter coffee using HiSorb sorptive extraction and TD-GC-MS


This study shows that the wide range of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) giving rise to the flavour of coffee can be identified by high-capacity sorptive extraction using PDMS probes, with analysis by thermal desorption-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS).

Flavour profiling of milk using HiSorb sorptive extraction and TD-GC-MS


This study shows that the wide range of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) giving rise to the flavour of milk can be identified by high-capacity sorptive extraction using PDMS probes, with analysis by thermal desorption-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS).



Enhanced aroma-profiling of peppermint tea using direct desorption TD-GC-MS with sample re-collection


This study describes the determination of volatile organic components in dried peppermint tea leaves using quick and convenient direct desorption of a small sample, followed by thermal desorption (TD)-GC-MS analysis with electron ionisation (EI). Automated re-collection of the split flow onto a sorbent-packed tube is then used to re-analyse the same vapour sample using positive chemical ionisation (PCI), for enhanced confidence in the identification of key compounds

Food decomposition analysis using the Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor and TD-GC-MS


This document investigates decomposition of three types of bacon, with sampling using Markes’ Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor™ and analysis by automated thermal desorption (TD)-GC-MS. The ability to quantitatively retain compounds over a wide volatility range is emphasised, along with the ease of sample preparation.


Instrument & Technology
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